Vinum Missae is a family company dedicated to elaborate and distribute Licit and Valid Altar Wine to celebrate the Holy Mass
Our cellar is located in BOT (Terra Alta Region), our company is speciallysated elaborating various varieties of Mass Wine , following the guidelines emanated from the Holy See in Rome.
The Altar Wine has to be LICIT , VALID and NON CORRUMPTUM that means done only with grape juice without any kind of additives (water or sugar).
From Vinum Missae we offer the possibility to our costumers to choose from 5 different kind of Altar Wine:
Natural Sweet
Sweet Muscat (done with fresh Moscatel grapes)
Rich Ruby (Sweet Red)
Dry red
We also offer different types of bottleing:
In glass: 0,75 l ‘Terra Alta’ Carved glass bottle, 0,75 l ‘Bordelaise’ traditional bottle, and 1 liter bottle
We can also deliver our wine in plastic drums, done with alimentary plastic are especially designed to contain such delicated material as the Alatr Wine is.
For more than 40 years , Joan Lacorte has been exporting Mass wine worldwide (Hong Kong, Ecuatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Cameroon) , being obtained the aknowledge and respect from all Dioceses where our wine is sended.
Actually the company is managed by his 3 sons (Jordi, Joan and Jaume) , that following the philosophy of his father they distribute our wines worldwide with a great success.